Quotes in Last Night of September

I found some quotes in this month. It was so inspiring me, and I want its also inspiring you all guys :)

" There are reasons why we don't want to talk about things
One, when it means nothing
And two, when it means everything"

via : Tumblr

"It's so hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember"

via : Tumblr

" Don't make me wait, just because you know I will"

via : Tumblr

"Maybe it's true, maybe we don't know what we have until we've lose it.
But, maybe it's also true that we don't know what we're missing until we find it."

via : Tumblr

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person
or some other time.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
We are the change that we seek"

via : Barack Obama

"Everything happens for a reason"

via : Saveera Vivid Tiarani

"Lakukan yang terbaik bagi apa yang menurutmu itu benar"
#Ir. Soekarno

via : Mr. Muslich

"Bukan bagaimana akhirnya, tapi bagaimana kita mengakhirinya"

via : Mrs. Anita

"Selain kompas dan nahkoda, kita butuh penumpang untuk membuat sebuah kapal itu berlayar"

via : Forum Pelajar Peduli Indonesia

Not Just The Student Who Should Be Learn (English Task - SPRING)

Teacher is someone whose job is to teach in a school or college, and everyone know it well right? All of us, who still stand in the school or college usually have a favorite teacher. Also, we have a "killer teacher" and we hate everything that correlated to this person. It is good if all of the teachers are our favorite teacher, but how if not?

 A good communication is the first thing that should we do if we have some gaps with our teacher. Tell comment or just suggestion to the teacher. Choose good diction and just tell what do we feel, but remember! Do not say something that is related with race, religion or etc. Secondly, grading the teacher will make them motivated and they will increase their capabilities when they teach. They know which part that's wrong and they will repair it. Not only student who will learn in a school, but also the teacher. The teacher might be gives lesson, but in the life both of student and teacher should learning from others. Open mind and always say yes in the change is the beginning of successful. Increasing the educational system will happen if the student feel cozy in the class and understand all the materials that given by teacher because of our complain.

Those arguments is from student side, but how about the teacher's side? Teachers has different characteristics. If we found a teacher with high patience we will get easy when we complain about his capabilities. Some other teachers, will get angry and have resentment to us. It will effect in our daily life in the school and maybe in our mark. Secondly, the student should be pro active in the classroom. Do not just blame the teacher because student can't be pro active. Active to ask some questions to this teacher out of the classroom or surfing in the internet might be helps you. Comment a teacher actually not polite yet if we do it too often in the east country. We need to respect our teacher although he doesn't perfect when teach us. Actually, all teacher already has their standard to teach us. They will give us their way to teach, maybe it will be fun for us or the opposite of it. 

From those arguments above, we can put some conclusions. Grading the teacher will be great if we do it well. Do not only grading for the bad thing of them, but also give them compliment when they've done their job. Actually, it will increase our good atmosphere in and out of the classroom.

Should We Do The Election if it is Doesn't Change Anything? (English Task - SPRING)

As we know Indonesia is already did the direct election for choosing President twice, in 2004 and 2009. This country has some characteristic of elections. There are Direct, General election. Free, Honest and Fair. But, is it truly happen?

The election Direct means that voters are required to vote in person and not be represented. General elections meant to be followed by all citizens who already have the right to use voice. Free means that voters are required to cast their votes without any coercion from any party, then the secret meaning of the votes cast by the voters is confidential only known by the voters themselves. The principle of "Jurdil" which stands for "Honest and Fair". The principle implies that honest elections must be conducted in accordance with the rules to ensure that every citizen has a right to. The principle of justice is equal treatment of voters participating in the election and, without any privilege or discrimination against certain participants or voters. The principle of free and fair bind not only to the voters or election participants.

The facts is different with the condition above. As we know, Indonesia has a huge member of population and not all of them who has already seventeen years old join the election. The reason is they didn't registered yet. Its cause they live inland and they don’y mention it at all. That is meant, not all of them travel their right to choose, so the election committee not success yet and of course the election didn't fair too. Second factor of failure of election is, there are a lot of people who are not use their suffrage is not because they don’t registered, but because they have no choice. That is mean, parties in this country didn't gives good socialization to prospective voters. The worst thing that usually happen is the parties gives some money or something to the prospective voters. Its aim the prospective voters choose their candidate in the election. Its mean, the voters not choose because of their faith to the candidate, but about the money.

As a young, we should know that those facts really happen in Indonesia. The “good” system  they said is not run well. We should understand it before we have the real fair election. 

Computer Oh Computer (English Task - SPRING)

Computer is a new technology in this century. Almost all of people in this world need it so much. Computer is the initial thing for But, sometime we forget how to work without computer. Do we too depend on computer?

Computer is a technology that needed for human activity. If we want to make a word data, we use computer. If we want to searching on Google we need computer. Even if we need some games, we might be open our computer. Second, computer is capable to processing large amounts of data. Computer has large memory and it can safe and process a lot of information. That’s way, human no need to safe and remember their data everyday. Third, It has a high speed and accuracy in work function. Computer has accuracy to check some missing thing in our work, just say check spelling in the Microsoft Words. Also, it has high speed to access our data. So, we can know if we need computer because of those capabilities.

In the other side, computer also has a lot of negative effect. The first thing that might be happen is we will addict to the computer. We will always think that without computer we can’t do our job. Also, long time we used in front of a computer  will decrease our physical capabilities. Just like eye irritation, back pain and dizziness. The The third fact is, computer is only a machine. Computers do the work in accordance with the commandments of human, when there is an error, computer is still working. Computer might be has capability to check our spelling in some words but it can't change it becomes the true one if we do nothing.

From the opinions above, we can know if computer becomes the most important thing for human being. However, the usage of computer in frequently condition will make us too depend on computer. Just be wise when use computer. 

Unintended Lyric - Muse

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I'll always love
You could be the one who listens
To my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can

But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged

All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you
You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can

But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

I'll be there as soon as I can

But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

Before you

My Student's Smile for Today

Every Saturday, I should go to SDN Randugading 1 Malang (Public Elementary School in Indonesia) for do the community service. Community Service is a program from Sampoerna Academy which is we should help the society around us. First time I went there I found another side of education system in Indonesia.
                I went to fifth grade. I thought I’ll meet  some brats or flirtatious girls, but the fact; I got nothing. I met nineteen child among 10-11 years old. They are so quiet. They don’t know anything when I told them about big cities in the world, about Bill Gates, and so on. It getting worst when I told them the story about elephant in the circus and someone of them ask me what the meaning of “circus". I try to make them understand. I try it more than once.
                I continued with ask them about their dreams for their selves and Indonesia. All of them answer it with flat tone. They told me their name and then they will stop saying, and think for a long time about their dreams. I’m getting confused in that time. Finally, I got three kinds of their dreams. First, become a doctor. Second, become a football player and the last become a maths teacher. I don’t know why they look like didn’t know anything about their job in the future.
                Same thing happened when I ask them about their dreams for Indonesia. They just keep silent and look around me. I don’t know. Maybe, my questions is to high for them. Since that time, I’ve been told them about everything I know. I don’t want my brothers and sisters sleeps when Indonesia needs their helps.
                My second time I went there, I met eleven students of first grader and this is their expression when we made an air plane origami.

I found their smile there, although it is only from air plane origami. I'm happy. I've never feel this happiness anymore since I grew up. After we've done with air plane origami and made it fly we sang some songs together. The song's title is "Bebek, Ayam, Menthok" and we laugh together. When we want to back home, some of them hold our hand tightly. They ask my friends and I to back soon. Huaaaa, I'm glad! 

They don't want let us go

My friend (Safira Idofia) made promise if we will back soon

Their expression

From those facts, I know that Indonesian kids need me, no! They need us. They need us to build their characteristics, their nationalism, their ability for society and their care for environment. Today, tomorrow and all the time after this, will become their turn to make a better place in Indonesia. Let them get it, help them, support them and take a big effort to make new individuals who is better than us! 

Homework, Think Beetween Heaven and Hell (English Task - SPRING)

As a senior high student, get some homework is not a new thing. Homework is a task that should we do in out of class hour. Usually we will get some questions, or our teacher ask us to make project. We will have latest day to submit that homework to our teacher, we will get punishment if we late to submit it. Actually, do homework is an important thing because we will learn to answer questions or make project before the exam or practical. In another side its also take our time longer to do the job, so we will have lack of time to do another thing.
In a side doing homework is a helpful  activity because it will make us more understand about a materi that we  have got. Why? Because we need to reread our last topic before we do the homework. With do that every we have homework we will always ready to get exam or test. Also, if the teacher give us homework before he gives the lesson it will make us easy and fast to understand when the teacher gives us that topic.
Another side, some students think if have a homework is harmful thing. Should answer so hard and a lot of questions, to do task that never they do before, to make project which is complicated will make us feel tired. Actually sometimes complicated homework will takes all of our time, we will have no sleep well, have no time for hang out or just eat some snacks. It will be more bad if we have no schedule and poor time management. It is not a joke if we should wake up in the midnight and do the homework that should done for the next day. It will get worst if we have no time in the last night and we should do a homework in the school. 
From the opinions above we can conclude if have homework is good for us. We will hate those homework if we can't change our mindset. Not forever homework is harmful if we have a good schedule. So, just try to make a good timetable and do it! I believe you can do it perfectly.

Source of picture : http://www.inspirationalfriends.co.uk/assets/images/book2.jpg

A Twilight in My Dorm :)

I always love sunset from my window. But that day I look for another side to catch those moments :)

This photo was taken by me in Love Bridge in front of Building B, a part of my dormitory area

Light House

My friend (Zepta Audhia Wibowo) and her sadness

Of course me

I made a daisies :D

Night To Remember

Yapyap, kali ini aku mau ngeshare tentang pengalaman jadi event organizer-nya suatu acara yang cukup oke di sekolah. Movie Night!! Yipie, dari namanya aja paling udah pada tahu itu acara apaan. Yap, movie night itu acara wajib yang harus dibuat sama setiap House (apa itu house? baca di postingan sebelumnya). Acaranya itu biasanya diadain sebulan sekali di malem minggu. Ide utamanya itu simple sih, yah intinya kita harus bikin acara nonton film bareng semacam layar tancep. Tapi, harus ada tema dan dresscode yang harus dipake sama tamunya. Kali ini House Lion dapet urutan ke 7 dari 9 house, jadi kita bisa ngambil pengalaman dari house-house sebelumnya deh.

Lion bikin tema "Prom Night" dengan dresscode "The Best Costume Of You". Kita nggak muluk-muluk buat bikin dresscodenya. Bisa dibilang dresscode yang kita pake tu ngebebasin mereka buat pake apa aja buat datang ke Movie Night kita. Secara kita kan juga anak asrama, jadi impossible kalo nuntut kostum yang macem-macem.

Oh iya, judul Movie Night kita dulu itu "Night To Remember". Kita pengen malam yang kita buat jadi malem yang berkesan buat temen-temen. Lanjut ke tata tempat, bicara soal tata tempat kita punya perencanaan yang cukup oke buat penempatan dan dekor-dekornya. Kita punya 2 setting tempat, dua-duanya bertolak muka. Yang satu itu panggung rendah buat band yang satu tempat nonton filmnya. Kita ngundang guest star dari kakak kelas yang waktu itu masih kelas 11 buat ngeband disana. Thanks a lot buat mereka (21.00 P.M)

Bicara soal film, film kita emang agak kurang oke kalo dibuat cowok. Kita ngambil filmnya "Cinta Pertama" nya Bunga Citra Lestari sama Ben Joshua. Kalo boleh flashback sih yang ceritanya tentang cinta pertama cewek yang bernama Alya yang suka mati-matian (sampe akhirnya mati beneran) sama seorang cowok super pinter, ganteng dan jago maen basket yang bernama Sunny. Alya nggak pernah berani ngomong lhoh sampe dia mati gara-gara sakit. Pokoknya romantis deh. Tapi sayangnya anak-anak cowok yang lihat ini malah ngantuk. Kita sengaja pilih film lawas, soalnya waktu itu lagi nggak ada film yang oke di rental DVD.

Buat ngasih tau kalian gimana movie night itu, ini nih ada beberapa potonyah :D

Preparing ..
Persiapan buat dekor

Hiasan buat nutupin plafonya. Gileee, susah bener ini dulu masangnya.

Persiapan nata-nata panggung buat bandnya (Muhammad Sulthony Yahya)

Kayak gini nih tempatnya, cukup luas sih kalo cuman bikin acara nonton film doank. (Muhammad Fasichus Sujada)

Tapi kita tetep asik buat becandaan kok, walaupun capeknya luar biasa belom lagi banyak tugas yang terbengkalai. (Muhammad Sulthony Yahya)

Kita kerja buat acara ini bener-bener sampe maghrib lhoh, ini nih buktinya -_-''

Foto Lion cewek angkatan pertama yang kita tampilin di Movie Night. Cantik-cantik ya?

Foto kakak kakak cowok Lion angkatan satu nih 

Lion angkatan 1, komplit (kecuali Bang Ayum)

Lion cewek angkatan dua nih 

Ino poto yang cowoknya

Poto angkatan dua yang komplit nih, tapi ada Mbak Fitri yang nggak ikutan poto

Ini nyokap bokapnya Lion angkatan dua, keliatannya sih akur padahal sih enggak Di dunia nyata Bang Yusman sama Mak Willy ini sama-sama punya pacar lhoh. 

Pas Acaranya nih ..

Movie night emang sesuatu yang berkesan buat aku, nggak tau deh kalo buat yang lainnya. Rasa kebersamaan dalam house itu bisa kerasa banget. Sebenernya kita semua itu saling care satu sama lain, tapi ketutupan sama gengsi dan emosi. Tapi emang gitu deh sifatnya anak muda, mau diapain lagi.

Oh iya, terimakasih ya buat Lion Sampoerna Academy Malang angkatan 3. Kita emang udah solid banget guys. Makasih juga buat semua kakak-kakak Lion yang udah mau ndukung kita ampe jam 1 malem masih ada yang ngebantuin ngedekor ruangan. Buat temen-temen seangkatan yang partisipasinya luar biasa abeeeeezz. Maaf nggak bisa nyebutin satu-satu pokoknya thanks deh guys. Sampai ketemu di Aucustic Night (acara malem mingguannya anak kelas 11) tahun ini ya :)

Copyright of photos : Safira Idofia Jakfar