If I am . . . The Most Richest Human In This Earth (ESL Assignment)

A week ago I got an assignment which is I should make 100 wish in my life. First of all, I wrote everything that its might be happened in my life, but then I realized if that's not wishes, but that was hopes. I analyzed what kind of life that I wanna really do. I found some strange point that I've never imagine that I'll write it on my wish. And one of them is, if I am a millionaire.

Since I was born, I live in the middle modest family. I've never have a lot money in my own sake and also my parents. We aren't rich but we lived well off although we need to work hard everyday. 

And after all of that time, I always imagine if in a second my life changed after I open my eyes from my sleep. In a perfect morning, birds singing in the sky and sun shine more brighter than yesterday I wake up in royal bed with very soft and thick blanket. I see my bedroom with all of bourgeois facilities. And maybe I have fifteen house keeper. My house is bigger than Indonesian republic palace. Its seems like White House but located in tropical country. I have wide yard around my house and Olympic size of swimming pool under my veranda.

I don't work, but my money is work for me. I'm an investor in almost all multinational company. I have big safe-deposit box in my basement and I'm free to use it. I have more than twenty credit cards and I've never check my savings because it always continuously increase. So, I'll never feel loss if I give some million dollars to my friends. I'll never be poor.

And next, what will I do in that condition
If the story above is become true and I am a real millionaire. I will shopping, travelling around the world,Honestly, I will make a foundation which is concerned to national education and humanity. Yeah, lets say just like Sampoerna Foundation which build the character of leadership in their curriculum  I wanna re-build my country which is too wrecked to repaired. The leader in this country has good background of education but they have nothing to lead others. They just want to lead, but not be leaded. 

And why should humanity?
Human rights violations from the dominant to the minority is still prevalent. Some of us just care but we do nothing. The big reason of why we do nothing is money, but I have it. So, I'll try to push down the number of human rights violations and make this country has a high dignity in the world.

Believe it or not, share and give others is a simple meaning of happiness. They need our help, and we need their warmth. And the meaning of life will start when that thing happen.

But it was just; If I am a millionaire
And the fact, I'm more than a millionaire 
I'm very grateful to be me :)
Because Bill Gates ever said :

"I regret being the richest man in the world because that position attracts undeserved publicity"
- Bill Gates

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